Separable and inseparable verbs


These are verbs which begin with a prefix (often a preposition).

The prefixes can be either separable or inseparable.



There are eight inseparable prefixes:

be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, emp-, ent-, miß-,

The only difference between an inseparable verb beginning with one of these prefixes and the basic verb from which it comes is that the inseparable verbs do not have ge- in the past participle:

Er hat begonnen. He has has begun

Die Bombe hatte das Haus zerstört. The bomb destroyed the house.



Most of these prefixes are prepositions or adverbs. The reason they are separable is that they can be separated from the verb in the ways shown below:

ankommen, to arrive:

Er kam um 8 Uhr an. He arrived at 8.

Als er in Stuttgart ankam, regnete es. When he arrived in Stuttgart it was raining.

Er ist noch nicht angekommen. He has not yet arrived.

Er musste früh aufstehen, um pünktlich in der Schule anzukommen. He has to get up early to get to school on time.

Er wollte um 9 Uhr in Bath ankommen. He wanted to to arrive in Bath at 9.


The commonest separable prefixes plus an example of a verb:

ab- abfahren to depart
an- ankommen to arrive
auf- aufhören to stop
aus- ausgehen to go out
bei- beibringen to teach
dar- darstellen to represent
davon- davonlaufen to run away
ein- einsteigen to get into
engegen- entgegenkommen to approach
fern- fernsehen to watch tv
fest- festhalten to hold on to
fort- fortsetzen to continue
heim- heimgehen to go home
her- herstellen to produce
hin- hingehen to give up
los- losgehen to set out
mit- mitteilen to inform
nach- nachdenken to consider
nieder- niedersinken to sink down
statt- stattfinden to take place
teil- teilnehmen to take part
vor- vorhaben to have in mind
weiter- weiterkommen to progress
zu- zugeben to concede
zurück- zurückgehen to go back
zusammen- zusammenstoßen to collide